Power of teamwork

Power of teamwork

Its just matter of one day
The goat and his child went to the grass to graze the grass,

Then suddenly the sound of Ser was heard,
The baby goat said that the mother lion will eat us,

The goat said, before the lion arrives, you say mummy mummy, if the lion is hungry, tell me I will eat the lion
Then suddenly the fox comes and the fox is scared to hear this and thinks that what will I do when she eats the lion? He runs to the lion and says that a big animal has come to you to eat. It has been said that the lion said, "Let's see, as the lion came closer, the goat kid said," Mummy, mummy came with a hungry look. Am I raw on the arrival of the lion? "He would be scared to hear the lion and thought that the fox had gotten into this and brought me here to feed him, she ran too fast.

Why did you see that if the spirit of teamwork was not agreed again, then sir would have eaten them all
In this story we get this teaching power of teamwork

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